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VirZOOM in the press

It was a lot of fun. And science says that when you’re having fun, you don’t notice that you’re exercising. There’s just too much going on to pay much attention. – Forbes

Tired of biking in the gym? Virtual reality lets you cycle in Iceland, instead. – Washington Post

It feels like riding a bicycle…. It’s more immersive than ever – KSK360 (Japenese)

These apps transform any stationary bike into a fully immersive experience – Wiki.EZvid

VZfit Takes Your Bike Ride to a New Level in Virtual Reality: Score 9/10 – VR Fitness Insider

VirZoom Quest Review: Your Exercise Bike Takes Off With The Oculus Quest – UploadVR

“VR offers a truly immersive indoor training experience, and a chance to ride outside the basement pain-cave even on the coldest, rainiest days.” – The Zen of Communication

Top 10 VR Gadgets We’re Sweating Over in 2019 – VR Fitness Insider

Man Loses Over 50 Pounds Using a Virtual Reality Bicycle – UploadVR

VZfit Go Review – Christ Centered Gamer

“Why play a game about biking with a joystick when you can bathe yourself in the immersion of actually peddling your bike through exotic locations around the world?” – Upload VR

VR Fitness Companies That Are Changing Gym Life and The Future – VR Fitness Insider

These VR Fitness Startups Want to Give You and IRL Beach Body – Fast Company

“From pedaling a kayak to racing a Formula 1 car, the bike and software provide an at-home experience much more unique than staring at whatever sitcom or news channel playing about you and 12 other gym rats…” – Outer Places

I Worked Out In Virtual Reality for a Month and This is What Happened – Forbes

VR and Stationary Biking, Not Surprisingly, a Pretty Good Match – TechCrunch

Burn Calories While You Explore Other World’s with VirZOOM’s VR Stationary Bike – Digital Trends

Hate Working Out at Home? This VR Video Game Might Change That – Well and Good

VirZOOM and FitBit: The Alliance that Makes VR Fitness Mainstream – VR Fitness Insider

“I ended up tracking down bandits for a solid 20 minutes longer than I intended to, which is, I suppose, exactly the point…” – GQ

How VR Can Help You Get Fit With The Power of Fun – Android Pit

BMF VR Review

Tyco Tech Review