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Put Your Friends in the Hotseat


Summer holidays are coming, and you know what that means: parties! And also, trying to strike a balance between enjoying lovely weather and melting in the sun. If you’ve got a party coming up and you’re inviting some fans of the great indoors, it’s good time remember you that your VZ Bike Controller is useful … Read more

3 Myths about Exercise in VR

Most of the comments you see online about exercising in VR come from two sources: people who love it, and people who haven’t tried it yet. And among those who haven’t tried it, the same few concerns come up again and again. For both the skeptics and the fans looking to point their friends to … Read more

Hints of What’s to Come

This week, we’re in the calm before the storm (or … the Thunder Bowl?). Next week, VirZOOM heads to E3, the premier event for interactive entertainment and games. We’re excited to show off some new projects we’ve been hard at work on for a while. What projects, you ask? Well, we can’t say much just … Read more