VZfit Update: May 2019

Explorer RIDES OVERHAUL Find Rides to find Suggested, Popular, New, and Create rides yourself My Rides to replay and edit Favorites, Recent, and your Created rides All Rides now have thumbnail images and a details screen, including its distance and number of times completed by you and others You can play any ride in Reverse as … Read more

Head-to-Head Games with Voice Chat

We’ve added Voice Chat to all head-to-head Play games, including Thunderbowl, Race Curvy and Oval, Gate Race, and Le Tour. Once you start head-to-head with the “VS” button, you can talk to the other player without any other settings. If either of you wants to stop hearing and being heard, just toggle off the Voice … Read more

Ride Sharing and More

Last week we released a bunch of improvements to Explorer rides! Every ride now has a start, end, and directions between them. The path is white rather than yellow dots, with distance to the end and % progress in your HUD. When creating a ride, we can record whatever path you take until you end … Read more

Your Virtual Trainer

There’s a virtual trainer in VZfit Explorer to guide you along popular workout routines. You can enable her or him on any route by selecting between No Trainer->Female Trainer->Male Trainer on the Options menu. The trainer will start riding next to you, your job is just to keep up! They will push you between Light, … Read more

Prize Events

Events are a feature of VZfit Play that challenge everyone to play a particular game for a global leaderboard ranking and chance to win prizes. Our Pedalsephone event (a play on the goddess of spring) began when we launched VZfit for home users. All users who play have a chance to win the prize based … Read more