Interested in Investing in VirZOOM?

Better City Rides In VZfit

People have always wanted to “ride Paris” in VZfit, and the new City mode makes that better than ever! City rides have long been problematic for VZfit because the depth information about buildings is often incorrect leading to bad perspectives and unnecessary stretching, and there are more cars and people in the road that seem … Read more

Upload Your Own Ride

You can now create custom rides for Explorer using Google My Maps. For instance Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride, shown above, which we reconstructed from historical directions.  Because hey we’re from Boston! My Maps is already used by lots of people to plan trips, give directions, and map out cycling routes.  It runs on your PC … Read more

Upgrading to VZfit

This post describes VZfit for original VirZOOM users curious about making the switch. If you have an original VirZOOM Bike or Sensor, you only need an Oculus Go or Quest to play VZfit. We couldn’t keep updating all the VR platforms we were on, and feel these headsets are the best for exercise. VirZOOM Arcade … Read more

Speech Recognition in Explorer

You can now create rides with speech recognition in Explorer! This saves a ton of time versus using the virtual keyboard, which you can still use if necessary. Hit the microphone button above the keyboard, speak the address or location, then hit it again to process your speech and see the result as if you had typed … Read more

To Go or Quest?

  VZfit runs on the Oculus Go and Oculus Quest all-in-one VR headsets. They are both much more convenient and affordable than older systems, and have many unique improvements. If you don’t have one yet, here’s more information to help you choose! In VR the world is all around you in 3D, and moving through … Read more

Comfort Mode for Explorer

Normally in Explorer, we morph each 360 image to give you the sense of riding smoothly over 3D terrain. You’ll see some distortion of the roadside scenery which is generally acceptable along the country rides we suggest. But it can distract in cities where objects are both near and far from the road, for which … Read more

Avatar Upgrades

Show your mastery of each avatar in VZfit Play by earning upgrades! Each time you play a game, you earn coins for its avatar. On the main menu under each avatar, click the UPGRADES button to see what’s available for the total coins you have. After you’ve unlocked an upgrade, click on it to enable … Read more

Head-to-Head Games with Voice Chat

We’ve added Voice Chat to all head-to-head Play games, including Thunderbowl, Race Curvy and Oval, Gate Race, and Le Tour. Once you start head-to-head with the “VS” button, you can talk to the other player without any other settings. If either of you wants to stop hearing and being heard, just toggle off the Voice … Read more

Your Virtual Trainer

There’s a virtual trainer in VZfit Explorer to guide you along popular workout routines. You can enable her or him on any route by selecting between No Trainer->Female Trainer->Male Trainer on the Options menu. The trainer will start riding next to you, your job is just to keep up! They will push you between Light, … Read more

Prize Events

Events are a feature of VZfit Play that challenge everyone to play a particular game for a global leaderboard ranking and chance to win prizes. Our Pedalsephone event (a play on the goddess of spring) began when we launched VZfit for home users. All users who play have a chance to win the prize based … Read more