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Explore the Gap

To kick off our new blog series, Explore the World, we are highlighting one of our recently added VZfit Explorer rides: The Gap of Dunloe in County Kerry, Ireland. The virtual route is 15.3 kilometers through the breathtaking greenery of the Gap. The Gap of Dunloe  is a narrow mountain pass running north-south in County … Read more

VZfit Update: July 2019

Explorer Fix when dots would stop loading because they were too far from automated directions Support VZfit Free membership, with limited game access Fixed progress storage when playing new route first time Allow white dots more leeway from Google directions path Voice directions in Create Rides Hit the “mic” button to speak your start and … Read more

Tour de France Ride

The 2019 Tour de France is in full swing! We decided to get in on the action by adding Stage 20 from the Tour as a suggested ride in VZfit Explorer, making 27 rides for a total of 511 virtual miles. “One day before they hit Paris, riders will face their final Alpine test. This … Read more

Speech Recognition in Explorer

You can now create rides with speech recognition in Explorer! This saves a ton of time versus using the virtual keyboard, which you can still use if necessary. Hit the microphone button above the keyboard, speak the address or location, then hit it again to process your speech and see the result as if you had typed … Read more

New Membership Pricing, Including Free Tier

THIS POST IS OLD PLEASE GO HERE TO SIGN UP We love VZfit and people that try it do too, but know that a required membership keeps many from purchasing a Sensor Kit. So today we’re announcing some changes to our membership programs. First we are adding a Free tier that provides all sensor owners … Read more

To Go or Quest?

  VZfit runs on the Oculus Go and Oculus Quest all-in-one VR headsets. They are both much more convenient and affordable than older systems, and have many unique improvements. If you don’t have one yet, here’s more information to help you choose! In VR the world is all around you in 3D, and moving through … Read more