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VZfit Update: October 2020

Hotfix 10.31


  • Follow the leader’s render mode changes in multiplayer
  • Fixed popup message background to stay readable over menu
  • Match standup HUD background to bike HUD
  • Reduced music volume
  • Slight increase in standup mode power

Release 10.30


Game Changes

  • Game Image changed from Play to Explorer when on Oculus pause menu
  • Trainer feedback fixed to better respond to player performance
  • LAT button on main menu to toggle address with lat,lon
  • New Custom Clothing added
    • Spin It Jersey
    • Miami Shorts
    • Rising Sun Jersey

Standup Mode Changes (QUEST Systems Only)

  • HUD/Snapshots/Daily message changed from Spins/RPMS to Calories/Power
  • UI now uses hand pointing instead of gaze
  • No “look down button” hold Oculus home button to recenter
  • Board should no longer move when on Oculus pause menu
  • More responsive Body tracking in standup mode
  • Added Standup mode workouts
    • You don’t have to follow moves exactly, but do need to match intensity
    • Touring – jogging intervals of 30 seconds, no trainer VO
    • Interval – 17 minute interval workout

  • Fixed ability to share/unshare rides
  • Improved speed of Fitbit synchronization


Hotfix 10.16


  • Fix favoriting of shared rides from Manage Rides
  • Accidentally broke path showing around corners and through 3d objects, fixed on 10/19

Update 10.13


  • Snapshots now sort in chronological order with newest snapshot first.
  • Moved “detailed usage” link into Stats page, right after your name
    • This is only displayed to you not anyone else
  • Created new Rides tab on when logged in
    • Moved Snapshots and Ride Creation to Rides page
  • Added Manage Rides page to
    • Search for rides by distance/favorite/rating
    • Browse Rides on a world map
    • Delete or Share rides you created
    • Rate Rides you have completed
    • Favorite rides you would like to ride and they will show up in game under the Favorites tab

Hotfix 10.06


  • Preserve user data when reinstalling
  • Preserve premium membership when testing standup mode
  • Hide trainer & shadow in customization mode
  • Idle animation for customization mode
  • Hide customization mode arrows when < 5 items
  • For snapshot cameras that don’t feature avatar, place in exact center of panorama for zero distortion
  • Fixed trainer double shadow issue
  • Updated 2D build


  • Add resistance control for FTMS bikes & trainers


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