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Ride the World with VZfit

Exercising outside is great when you have year round access to nice weather, beautiful scenery, and safe riding conditions. However, most of us aren’t that lucky. With that in mind, we have come up with a way to ride anywhere in the world from the comfort of your home stationary bike: VZfit, coming soon for the VZfit Sensor Kit on Oculus Go & Quest.

Using data from Google StreetView you will be able to ride practically ANYWHERE. Type in any location and we’ll take you there- think Paris, Rome, or The Grand Canyon! You could even take a ride down memory lane through your hometown! There are no set paths, so you are able to explore.

We’ll post more details about this product over the coming weeks and are looking for people to beta test VZfit If you are interested in beta testing you can pre-order our VZfit Sensor Kit and we will notify people soon when we are ready to send out beta test kits.

Note: VZfit uses data from Google StreetView but is not an official Google product.


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