2.3.0 VZfit Update
Updated Pin Point rules
The new rules where discussed in the last Roadside chat that can be found here.
Users will now have 20 minutes, from the time they start, to complete Pin Point! This includes both guessing and exploring time. You can leave the headset and even the app during this time and resume playing.
Coin Changes
Missing a coin can be very frustrating, and finishing all the rides on a challenge and needing more coins even more so.
We added a couple safeguards in to help with this.
- Coins now have a MUCH larger impact range. It should be almost impossible to miss them when you pass.
- Coins frequency is now ride based and not session based. This means that if you are .2 KM from a coin, on a specific ride, when you end your session, that coin will be rewarded on your next session after only traveling .2 KM. In the past we only rewarded coins for full KM ridden in a session.
Quality of Life Fixes
- Improved Resume Ride functionality
- Customization assets for Spring Fling Challenge