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VZfit Update: March 2023

2.1.6 VZfit Update

California Coast Night Time

  • It’s been a while but we finally got this completed. You can now do the Coastal Ride during the day or at night

New Curated Rides Search

  • New basic search function to provide new users with some quick suggestions.
  • This is the start of our ride tagging system and we will be tagging rides internally to rotate them through this curated section
  • The old search is now listed as advanced search

Interactive Map Added to Advanced Search

  • We took the map from the web site and where able to get it working in game. 
  • You can now click anywhere on the map and we will zoom in and show you the rides closest to that point. Click another point to search again.

New Intro Sequence

  • We added a quick logo reveal to the start of the game. This should hide all of the old logging in messages
  • The Maparium now how background music


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