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Cycle the Coastline in Cali Rally

Cali Rally bridge

Check out our latest VirZOOM Arcade update for a new cycling route: Cali Rally! This winding road takes you through the hills and along the beaches for a more intense VR workout than the gentle country ride of Le Tour. The update is already live on Steam and at fitness centers with VirZOOM-ready Life Fitness bikes, with PlayStation and Microsoft Store builds submitted for approval.

One of the most frequent requests we get is to add more cycling routes, so we wanted to make sure this addition took you someplace noticeably different from Le Tour, but no less scenic. Cali Rally is inspired by the Pacific Coast Highway, which some of us here at VirZOOM count as a favorite route for motorcycle rides and long, sunny drives.

The new update also features a number of bug fixes, including improved racecar physics, improved Strava and Fitbit reporting, and voiceover that interacts better with music. Check it out, and let us know what you think! It’s not listed alongside other games on the survey, which is still open, but we welcome open-ended feedback too!


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