1.31.2021 Update
Build:2/2/2021 1:30:43 pm
VZFit Explorer name changed to just VZFit in preparation for store release
- Interactive fully voiced Welcome to VZfit Tutorial added
- New Users will start with this tutorial
- Tutorial is Excerboard based and requires only headset and controllers
- Tutorial Menu added to main menu
- Multiple video tutorial added covering the major features of VZfit
- Tutorial video’s also can be accessed from the
icons throughout the game
Voice Over
- New male and female voice over added through out the game
- Voice over re-recorded for cycling trainer
- New voice over added for Excerboard workouts. Your trainer will now offer move specific coaching
- Voice options added to trainer menu for vocal coaching
- Continent map filter added to Find Ride page
- HIIT workout section lengths slightly adjusted
- Difficulty now goes up to 10 for players to replicate steep climbs
- Added Multiplayer on/off toggle in the pause menu, when in multiplayer, for rides for easier access
- Auto Steer Watchdog added. This should look for autosteer snags coming up and teleport you past them.
- Fixed map path offset
- Snapshot feature UI update to make it more user friendly
- Allow “loop” paths that start and end in the same place
- Status box added to main menu to show current user status information
- Monthly free ride now shows sorted first for free users along with the always free Colorado river ride
- Monthly free ride now shows as quick playable for free users from the ride menu
- Bluetooth plugin changes for last-device connection and missing make/model fields (may resolve some connection issues for some devices)
- Bluetooth plugin information displayed during connection process
- Hover help added to for items inaccessible in free mode
- Better handling of Wifi Dropouts
- Game will now pause when Oculus dashboard is up
New Store Items
- Special event jerseys added for upcoming VRFS: Winter Games
- Atom Bomb Body
- OtterWorldly
- GamerTag VR
1.19.21 Hotfix
- Broke up the Grandma Strike. They should be feeding the ducks again.
- Resolved multiplayer spawning issues in Tank. Players should no longer spawn on top of each other.
1.3.21 Hotfix
- Fixed a lost progression bug when switching from Bike to Standing mode
- Fixed an issue with scrolling freezing on the map with the joystick
- Devices menu no longer displays NONE when no devices is connected and instead is blank
- Fixed connection issues with some FTMS devices
- Fixed some connection issues with some cadence sensors
- Fixed Hover text for EXIT button