1.2.0 Update
Multiplayer Overhaul
- Expanded Multiplayer to 5 riders in a party with ability to lock it if you want a smaller party
- New collapsible Multiplayer HUD (persistent in game and most of the menus) with better options for muting and kicking players
Indicators in new Multiplayer HUD to know who is speaking
Multiplayer HUD is hidden in no HUD mode
Scrollable list of available players in the Join Ride screen
Trainer remains showing when other riders join you
Join Ride screen now shows ride locations
Join Ride filter to only look for Oculus friends
Earn ride progress and completion credit if you join a multiplayer ride that is close or below your current completion percent
Option to only ride in multiplayer with Oculus friends
Ability to send an Oculus friend request to someone in your ride party
New Store Items
- Eyewear and helmets added as customization options
- Color variations added across all categories
- More customization options added in all categories
Account Flow Changes
- Changed tutorial flow and added an option to skip
- Creating a VZfit Account now initiates the FREE version of the app
- Trial can be started at any time from the FREE version
- Smoothed controller cursor while moving
- Added a “VZfit Says” panel to the main menu for news items